Just a blue-collar worker doing the humble hustle on Episode 233 with Andy Myers


There are just too many stories to write notes about; Andy Myers is one of the believers, a man who knows what it’s like to try, to build, to succeed, and to try again. Much respect for a man who walks the walk. Join this self-proclaimed introvert for a wild ride around the world. Thanks Andy. Be sure to listen on your favorite podcast app.


12:56 – I’ve never had a job and I’ve never worked.

22:16 – I dropped out of college after a beef with a marketing professor who gave me an F for a product I’d already sold and was receiving royalty checks on

27:22 – We got into design and opened a factory in Mexico and started making clothes for some pretty big companies, REI, Columbia…

32:09 – I showed the product to Nora’s family and told them, this is what we’re going to make – they’re like, “you should probably go back to bed” it was pretty cute

34:46 – this is the coolest motorcycle story of my life

37:22 – all my life, it’s all I’ve done – offroad and motorcycles and travel and design

44:33 – Wow, I don’t want to go back to living in a truck, I better pull back the reins a little and make some hard business decisions

Special thanks to 4low Magazine and Maxxis Tires for support and sponsorship of this podcast.


[00:10:45.300] – Big Rich Klein

I know you are, but you’ve got a cool story. I believe you have a cool story. All the things that you’ve done. And this podcast, it’s about the individuals that I interview and their life story. But what I hope the listeners glean from it is maybe not just a better understanding of the person that I’m interviewing and what they’ve gone through, but what their drive was to continue doing what they did to get where they’re at today. Everybody I’ve interviewed is a success story in some way. Some of them, it’s been a really hard road Just get beat down, stand up, get beat down, stand back up, get beat down, stand back up. And then finally, things come together. That’s my story. And that’s what I want people that are interested, enthusiastic, and off-road, especially, because that’s the focus of it. But it’s the life story on how they can do the same thing if they wish to get out of the mundane life that they’re in. Because nobody really likes working 9:00 to 5:00 and punching a time clock and sitting at a desk for somebody else. There’s people that have accepted it because that’s their way of life, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

[00:12:22.410] – Big Rich Klein

And so what I hope to do is if I can get one person a year to just say, Fuck it. I’m going to go do this. And this is my dream. This is what I’ve wanted to do. I’m just going to step on it and do it. That’s cool. That’s what this podcast is all about.

[00:12:42.890] – Andy Myers

That’s cool. Yeah. And I think you fit that mold.

[00:12:49.850] – Big Rich Klein

Looking at your history just from around 2000, it’s pretty incredible.

[00:12:56.800] – Andy Myers

Yeah, I’ve never had a job, and I’ve never worked, and I don’t have any government loans. I don’t have any debt. I don’t have a credit card. I have nothing. I started out basically homeless, right? So, yeah, I just built up everything by myself with my wife. I don’t have any brothers and sisters and stuff. So it’s just me and her and the kids. And that’s it.

[00:13:22.290] – Big Rich Klein

Well, I think we’re going to start this interview a little differently than what I’ve done others. I’m just going to take it from when we started on the phone call, if you’re okay with that.

[00:13:31.680] – Andy Myers

Yeah, that’s fine. It’s fine, too.

[00:13:33.760] – Big Rich Klein

Okay, well, then what I want to do is I want to introduce everybody that’s listening right now to Andy Meyer. Andy is… He self-styles himself as Just a blue collar worker doing the humble hustle. I love that tagline. That is you, absolutely 100 %. I think that fits a couple of other people that have been on my podcast, including myself. I didn’t come from anything special. My parents were definitely blue collar, and I figured that was going to be my life. And it has been, but I’ve done it my way. And Andy, it looks like you’ve done it your way, too. So let’s talk about that.

[00:14:21.170] – Andy Myers

Yeah, I’ve never really had a job. I started as a kid and owned some labels and played in bands and did that, learned my marketing and all my stuff. I was fortunate enough to be around some amazing marketing people when I was growing up and really learned a lot from them. Some of those guys, specifically two of them, are two of the biggest names in marketing in the world. They’ve become. Being around them and understanding and being around the, you got to hustle or It’s just nobody’s going to help you. I’ve also always maintained the attitude that no one’s helping me, so I’ve got to make it happen on my own. That means that you put in 18, 20 hour days and you work ridiculously hard seven days a week. There’s no quit. You have to do it. You just have to do it.

[00:15:25.880] – Big Rich Klein

Even your recreation and downtime is still focused around whatever your hustle is at that point.

[00:15:35.760] – Andy Myers

When I was a kid, when I was a young man, I used to do the mountain bike, our little bike stuff, rock climbing, and all that country adventure stuff and writing for magazines. I was probably, what, 21, 22. I was coming down Gates Pass Road on a training ride down in Tucson, and I got hit by a car and broke every single bone in the right-hand side of my inside of my body, physically destroyed me. I was literally in a… This is the only thing that’s weird in my life, but I was literally in a hospital room by myself. Parents weren’t there. I don’t have brothers and sisters. Because I’m an introvert and I’m alone, no friends, nobody was there. I swear, Jesus, God, whatever you want to call them, came into that room that night and was like, You only get one chance in life, man. Don’t screw it up. I made a decision at that point in life when I was 21, 22 years old, that anything I did from that day on would specifically revolve around everything I love to do. I would make my living out of it. Whether I was living in a tent, homeless, living whatever, it didn’t matter.  READ MORE

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