OG Rockcrawler, extreme sports afficionado, Bart Jacobs on Episode 223


Bart Jacobs hails from Utah and has participated in every extreme sport the state offers – from skiing to mountain biking to OG rockcrawling. Be sure to listen on your favorite podcast app.


3:41 – I decided, as stupid 16-year-olds do, that drag racing would be fun.

10:40 – I was still ski-jumping and ended up hurting my leg, for rehab, I started mountain biking, and doing longer and longer rides

18:46 – XJ’s didn’t have a great reputation, and still don’t for the people who like frames and such

29:43 – …we watched a lot of other teams, and there was nothing in the back…and the light bulb went on and I thought “OH, maybe if we took some weight out of this thing, it might do a little bit better!”

40:21 – In my first six events, I broke on the first or second obstacle on every event, it was frustrating

48:31 – I got so much from this sport, I feel blessed. The friends I’ve met, the relationships I have and the fun we’ve had doing it – I felt like I needed to give back to the sport

59:19 – I had the midnight to 2 am shift, we had just passed Bimini and started heading in a more Southerly direction…

Special thanks to 4low Magazine and Maxxis Tires for support and sponsorship of this podcast.

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[00:01:40.080] – Big Rich Klein

On today’s episode of Conversations with Big Rich is an O. G. Utah Rock Crawling competitor, avid outdoor recreationist, boater, skier, mountain bike rider, and all-around great guy, Bart Jacobs. Bart, how are you doing today?

[00:01:55.810] – Bart Jacobs

I’m doing great, Rich. Thanks for having me on. It’s an It’s been a pleasure to be here and talking with you.

[00:02:02.750] – Big Rich Klein

Well, it’s my honor to be able to talk with you. We’ve known each other for quite a few years, but never really got a chance to sit down and talk like we’re going to do today, so I’m looking forward to it.

[00:02:14.840] – Bart Jacobs

Me too, Rich.

[00:02:16.380] – Big Rich Klein

Let’s get started with the easiest question, typically, where were you born and raised?

[00:02:23.310] – Bart Jacobs

I am a Utah native. I was born in Ogden, Utah, raised there all the way through high school. Our family spent a brief time in Texas and then moved back. After high school, I moved to Wyoming for a couple of years, spent a little time in West Yellowstone, Montana, and then moved back to Utah. I’m basically from Utah all of my life.

[00:02:54.280] – Big Rich Klein

With growing up in Ogden, you and I are pretty close to the same age. What was it like back in those, say, in those early ’70s?

[00:03:05.000] – Bart Jacobs

The ’70s were a great time from what I remember. I wasn’t real into high school at the time. I had a little bit of a rebellious attitude. The ’70s were great. We had great music. We went to great concerts.

[00:03:30.050] – Big Rich Klein

Cool cars.

[00:03:31.670] – Bart Jacobs

Cool cars, yeah. My first car was a 1966 Bronco.

[00:03:37.600] – Big Rich Klein

Oh, nice.

[00:03:41.000] – Bart Jacobs

I spent some time with my dad when I was 15 and we sanded it all down, put a little bit of a roll cage in it and got it all painted up. It was a going concern. It was a nice little Bronco, and that was also the first four-wheel drive that I rolled. About four months after I was 16, one of my jobs was cleaning up the football stadium at Weber State, and After that, I decided that, as stupid 16-year-olds do, that drag racing would be fun. I raced a friend in his Volkswagen, and I I was beating him, but I wasn’t prepared for the corner coming up. He backed off, and I went into the corner too hot, hit a drainage great, rolled end over in the first time and sideways four or five more times. That was my first experience in rolling a 4×4. READ MORE


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